Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Deliverable #1": First Blog Entry

This is my first entry in this new blog, which is created for my class, but also with an eye toward creating a blog for my school in the near future- a spot where kids can respond to literature (4th Grade Battle of the Books list) and the R.I. Children's Book Award list. I'm very glad of this opportunity to do this with some guidance, taking small steps as we go along. I'd also like to create a spot where grade-level teachers can post writing samples of students for comparison, to establish benchmarks for student work. I'm a little unclear as to whether or not all these things can or should exist on one blog, particularly because some of it should be open to the world, but the teacher part should be accessible only to the teachers...this may need to be a separate blog- I'm sure I'll figure this out soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I anticipate that I will post in this blog once a week at least. I want to keep a written journal as to how my training is going and express my thoughts as the weeks, months, and years go on.
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